Learn how to get the best from yourself -
the best performance
the best balance
the best voice
the best poise
the best functioning
The Alexander Technique gives you the tools to change yourself, whether it is to improve your acting, singing, horse riding, tennis, tiddlywinks, or just your general well-being. It helps you to manage conditions such as back pain, RSI, breathing problems, pregnancy, and to cope with stress. Whatever your starting point, there will be ways in which you can improve. After all, no-one's perfect!
Francesca teaches from home in Clifton Terrace in Central
Brighton, and at the Brighton Alexander Technique College.
Individual lessons are £35; a course of 10 lessons is reduced to
Workshops are also available on request. Topics include Back
Pain management, Presentation Skills, Stress Management as well
as General Introduction to the Alexander Technique.